ed as a food source and in folk medicine in the groups of South America. Biological experiments on guinea pigs has been carried out since 17th century. The animals are frequently used as a model organism, resulting as 'guinea pig' being a test subject, but have been largely replaced by other rodents such as mice and rats.Its binomial name is Cavia Porcellus. They are a bit large for rodents, weighing between 700-1200g, and measuring 20-25cm
in length. On avg. they live for 4-5 yrs, but may live for as long as 8yrs. According to Guineas b
ook of world records the longest living guinea pig lived for 14 yrs and 10.5 months.
They live generally in cages, solid or wire mesh are used, though wire mesh cause injuri

. When I had them. this annoyed me a lot......but they were too cute and friiendly to be annoyed with. they were simply awesome...........
Guinea pig sight is not as good as a human, but they have a wider range of vision (about 340°) and see in partial color. They have well-developed senses of hearing, smell, and touch. Vocalization is the primary means of communication between members of the species. Some sounds are:Wheek: It is a loud noise, also ,produced at general excitement.
Purring: Produced when enjoying time, Eg: In new place, grooming.
Rumbling:Scared, angry, Dominated
Whining: When playing and pursued
Chattering:By gnashing teeth, used to warn
Squeeling: High pitched, sound of discontent, in danger, scared
Grass is its natural diet. Their molars are suited for grinding which grow throughout life. They benefit from eating fresh grass hay [like Timothy hay]. Alfalfa is a good choice as they are happy to eat lots of it at a time. But scientists say that Alfalfa taken in large amounts may cause obesity, as well as bladder stones. Though Alfalfa is a good source of protein, amino acid and fiber. There diet includes Alfalfa, Beetroot & its leaves, Capsicum, Coriand

Guinea Pigs gestation period is on avg. 63-68 days. Because of the large size of the pups ad the long gestation periods the pregnaant sow

Male and female don't differ except from general size.Males reach sexual maturity at 3–5 weeks; females can be fertile as early as four weeks and can carry litters before they are adults.Females can become pregnant 6-48 hours after giving birth, but its not hralthy for them to be pregnant constantly.
There are many breeds of the cavy. The common ones are the short haired, Abyssinian, Peruvian, Rex, Silkie, Teddy and Texel. While the rare or upcoming breeds include Alpaca, crested, Coronet, English Merino, Hairless, Ridgeback, Abbyruvian etc.

Guess Which breed is Which & comment ????????????
Human Influence

Originally, he guinea pigs were domesticated by the indigenous Andean people of the Andean highlands for their meat. It was usually reserved for ceremonial meals. But since 1960's they are now common to all people. They make a major part of the diet in countries like Peru & Bolivia, and are still used in some parts of countries like Ecuador and Columbia for food. As they require very less space than livestock and reproduce apparently faster, they didn't take much time to become popular. Another advantage of rearing them than livestock was that they could even survive in the urban environment hence, both urban and rural could have them without difficulty. Guinea pig meat is high on protein and low on fats and cholesterol and is similar to that of a rabbit. They may be fried, broiled, roasted or can be served in the shape of a casserole.

Guinea pigs have been used as research material from as back as the 17th century. Can U imagine dat?????????????? humans just eat and use animals for whatever day want... they drug them, shock them, put them in boiling water and take them 2 death for their own good?????whichever topic i choose, there is always mention of use of that particular specie as meat......................So friends i Wanna raise awareness on these topics n stop cruelty on animals
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